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امتیاز مطلب : 26
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 6
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تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 9 آذر 1392 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : kokomarry202

AND you still have your friendship intact AND your 'cool factor' has not been compromised. Study on for suggestions on how to do that. Work for a Get Win with your peer pressuring buddy You are a teen at a celebration exactly where you are being pressured to smoke or to chew. There are no adult chaperones. You do not want to use any of these tobacco products nevertheless, you worry the implications should you say no. What do you do? Let's imagine that the peer pressuring buddy is Tiffany. The woman trying to resist her peer pressure to smoke is named Julie. This is how this could work. Tiffany is providing a party. Julie is one of the girls who arrived to the celebration. When Julie got there, she saw that there were no grownups present. She also noticed that a great deal of the women were cigarette smoking. Tiffany said: Tiffany: Hey, Julie! Happy you're right here! Have a cigarette! Julie: No, many thanks! I don't smoke. Tiffany: Don't be a wimp. Have a cigarette! Julie felt a small bit of fear when she saw the established appear in Tiffany's eyes. But Julie was intelligent! She remembers to take deep, calming breaths and to listen to her internal wisdom. You are being peer pressured to smoke. Respond with good peer pressure! Julie takes a deep, calming breath. She feels herself calming. She visibly relaxes herself with another deep breath. Then quickly, she listens for her inner wisdom to tell her what to do. All of a sudden, she remembers that rather of giving in to negative tiffany jewelry outlet peer pressure, she could give Tiffany some good peer pressure. After using a third deep breath, from deep in her diaphragm, she is in a position to say: Julie: No, thanks! By the way, did you know that cigarettes have five hundred chemicals in them such as formaldehyde which you use to preserve lifeless frogs, tiffany and co outlet cyanide which you use in rat poisoning, insecticide which you use to kill bugs, and tar that you use to pave streets. tiffany and co outlet online Tiffany: That is type of gross! But have a cigarette in any case! It's awesome! Julie: No way! I don't want to place bug killer in my body and rat poisoning and stuff you use to preserve lifeless frogs and tar that you use to pave streets. Why do you want to smoke in any case? Tiffany: Like I said, it's cool! Julie: It's tiffany and co australia not going to be so cool if you finish up obtaining leathery pores and skin or your tooth flip type of brown or you finish up obtaining bronchial asthma or other respiration issues. Do you know that cigarettes stunt the growth of your lungs? Since you are probably not full grown yet, your lungs stay the exact same dimension while the relaxation of your physique keeps expanding. Then you may end up with a gravelling

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تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 9 آذر 1392 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : kokomarry202

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تاریخ انتشار : دو شنبه 4 آذر 1392 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : kokomarry202

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